
Barbara Abaterusso, internationally renowned artist and designer, was born from a strange alchemy of blood and circumstances. Apulian father and Venetian mother, they fall in love despite the deep geographical and character differences, two contrary winds but both coming from families of tailors and costume designers, find the thread that unites them in the heterogeneous universe of the fabric.

She still remembers the women of her family who used to meet with friends and neighbors to devote themselves to embroidery, crochet, sewing. It is no coincidence that her new atelier in via Monserrato, in the heart of Rome, is a place of reminiscence, so strong is the reference between the architectural style very close to that of the palaces of Salento, the father’s land of origin, and the works on display, with themes of lace and sewing, golds and silvers reminiscent of dear Venice, the female universe of the mother and beloved grandmother.