
The archetypes of the female textile tradition become the starting point of a creative act in which art, fashion, design and craftsmanship find their meeting point in the collections designed by Barbara Abaterusso.

The artist transfers his cultural heritage to the design of works that reveal an ancient soul, an unmistakable and timeless style with an innovative design.

Complicated manufacturing techniques, refined after years of research and experimentation, a meticulous attention to detail and the use of precious materials, allow today the limited production of exclusive works signed by this undisputed excellence of Made in Italy.

Rigid and cold materials flex like soft fabrics to be embroidered, precious as royal coats. Metals that soaked in sea water offer themselves as canvases on which rust is the color. Light and perforated fabrics become bronze. Bold combinations that as alchemical processes unexpectedly reach sublime balances that capture, surprise and excite us through a universal code.

Arte ed industria


An ever-growing curiosity has brought many companies and architecture studios to be interested in inserting the unique style of Barbara Abaterusso into their projects.
A stimulating challenge that led the artist to develop working methods capable of realizing, in addition to the usual personalized creations, serial productions on budget set by the customer, without betraying the ancient flavor and the essence of her artistic thought.

“After all” says Barbara Abaterusso, “reconciling craftsmanship and industry is like combining opposing materials … making them interact so that they become collaborative forces in perfect synergy …” With this aim, a team of highly qualified professionals, selected technicians and artisan companies of the highest level has been established, operating in different areas of the territory, each assigned to the processing of specific materials.
The geographical and cultural distances between the workers become an added value when a common purpose unites them in an all-Italian force.
Characteristic recognizable in the natural predisposition to beauty, in the unmistakable ingenuity capable of responding to the most varied requests, in the ability to put their skills at the service of complicated artistic projects where high focus is required, time for experimentation and above all a deep respect in preserving the artist’s thought and will as unchanged as possible.